What I do (and do well)
A big consultancy offering with significantly smaller overheads.
I help organizations understand the direction to take, to move away from that which does not work towards that which does. No two projects are ever entirely the same, but the results seldom differ: created, captured and sustained value.
Over my career, I have helped clients make billions of dollars of it.
Public speaking, whether for an event or an organization, can be both an asset and a liability. The right speaker can hold attention for long after their speech. The wrong speaker will lose it in an instant.
I have spoken at some the world’s largest corporations and most prestigious conferences, from Mumbai to Dubai, London to Austin, Cannes to Reykjavik, Geneva to Prague, and Stockholm to Dublin. And I would be more than happy to add your city to the list and demonstrate why I am the speaker for it.
Christopher Hitchens once said that the best writers are those who not merely want to write, but feel that they have no option but to write. Such has been my case since I finished my first professional article three decades ago at the age of 14.
Whether it has accrued into a capability worthy of note is up to the reader to decide, of course. But so far, I have been published in some of the top outlets in business and marketing, become a recurring columnist for MarketingWeek, created a top-rated newsletter with thousands of weekly readers, published white papers, an e-book, and have printed ones on the way. And stopping is not an option.
Adaptive Strategy
Conventional strategic management discourse, much like neoclassical economic theory, can trace many of its roots back to Newtonian physics and assumptions of predictable causality. We now know that organizations are not well-behaved and machinelike, but complex adaptive systems much closer to ecosystems.
The implications are profound.
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For media requests, please note that I respectfully ask to see any used quotation before it is published. I do not look for any editorial rights, merely to ascertain accuracy. If your editorial policy does not allow for such confirmation, I will unfortunately decline to partake.